boy sitting on bench while holding a book
boy sitting on bench while holding a book

Hi there! My name is Samuel and I am the founder of this blog. While serving in the military, I learned the true meaning of family and how important it is to have a strong support system. I started this blog to provide information on the importance of family to people from all walks of life.

During my time in the military, I traveled all over the world and saw how family unites us, no matter where we come from. I started this blog to inform and help parents navigate the intricacies of life. While I may not be an expert in all things family-related, I know how important family is and I want to share my knowledge and experiences with others. Through this blog, I hope to provide valuable information and resources to help families stay connected and strong. I currently live in Japan with my wife and 3 kids. Thank you for joining me on this journey!

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