Family Well-Being

Family well-being is essential for the development of strong and thriving communities. When families are able to make informed decisions, meet their basic needs, and address pressing issues, they are better equipped to lead happy and healthy lives. Family plays a crucial role in shaping an individual’s values, beliefs, and behaviors, providing a sense of security, support, and belonging. Strong family relationships help children develop self-worth, resilience, and the ability to form healthy relationships.

Having fun together as a family releases ‘feel good’ chemicals that act as natural anti-depressants. These early experiences with family shape the way children view themselves and others, laying the foundation for future relationships. Positive family experiences also contribute to the healthy development of children’s brain architecture.

We will continue to update this section with additional well-being opportunities for children of all ages.

Parenting Resources to Promote Family Well-Being

Parenting Resources to Promote Family Well-Being provides a collection of tips, resources, and support services that aim to help parents promote the well-being of their families. These resources can include general parenting tips, information on child development and safety, resources for relative or kinship caregivers, financial self-sufficiency, family nutrition, and support for pregnant and parenting teens.

These resources can help parents provide nurturing and loving care for their children, which is essential for building a strong foundation for their social and emotional development. By promoting the well-being of the entire family, parents can help their children develop the skills they need to lead happy, healthy, and fulfilled lives.

WE Well-being Family

WE Well-being Family is a program that offers an easy-to-use digital toolkit to support families in their well-being journey. The program is designed to empower people of all ages with tools and resources to promote their own well-being and the well-being of their community.

The program was developed in collaboration with leading mental health professionals and focuses on prevention, helping families build a foundation of understanding around mental well-being. The toolkit includes downloadable resources such as posters, social media graphics, worksheets, and an overview of the WE Well-being program. These resources provide families with information and tools to support their well-being.

One of the resources available in the toolkit is the WE Well-being Playbook, a hands-on guide filled with everyday tools and actions to nurture your own mental well-being and the well-being of others. The Playbook was created with input from leading experts and draws from the best available evidence to provide tips that are applicable to daily life.

a child's website page with a child in the backgrounda child's website page with a child in the background
a family of four people posing for a picturea family of four people posing for a picture
a brochure with a blue background showing families a brochure with a blue background showing families
Mental Health Grace Alliance

Mental Health Grace Alliance is an organization that offers support and resources to individuals and families affected by mental illness. Founded in 2011, the organization integrates faith and science to provide practical and effective mental health resources. Their approach has been shown to reduce mental health symptoms, aid in recovery, and renew faith. The organization offers a range of resources, including curriculums that integrate neuroscience, psychology, and biomedical research with biblical scriptures.

Christian Life Resources

Christian Life Resources is an organization devoted to providing Biblically-rooted counsel on life and family issues. Their ministry focuses on truth, love, and action, with the goal of helping individuals develop a heart that is rightly calibrated in its relationship with God.

The organization offers a range of resources and support services to help individuals navigate life and family issues from a Christian perspective. These resources include articles, videos, and other materials that provide guidance on topics such as beginning of life, family topics, medical concerns, ethical and social issues.

Christian Life Resources also operates a daughter ministry called New Beginnings – A Home for Mothers, which provides a loving place for single mothers and their babies in Milwaukee, WI. In addition, their network of pregnancy care centers serves approximately 11,000 families across the United States every year.

Focus On The Family

Focus on the Family is a fundamentalist Protestant organization founded in 1977 by James Dobson. The organization is based in Colorado Springs, Colorado and is one of several evangelical parachurch organizations that rose to prominence in the 1980s.

The organization’s mission is to help families thrive by providing resources and support for marriage, parenting, and other family-related issues. They offer a wide range of resources, including articles, podcasts, videos, and books, as well as counseling services and events. Their content covers a variety of topics, including marriage, parenting, faith, social issues, and more.

Focus on the Family also operates several programs and initiatives to support families. For example, they offer practical encouragement for women about creating healthy rhythms for motherhood through their podcast. They also have resources for single living and other family-related topics.

a baby is laying on the floor with a cross - section of a photoa baby is laying on the floor with a cross - section of a photo
a united states map of people holding handsa united states map of people holding hands
National Family Support Center Network

The National Family Support Network is an organization that promotes positive outcomes for children, families, and communities by leveraging the collective impact of state networks and championing quality family support and strengthening practices and policies.

The organization offers a range of resources and support services to help families thrive. These include free webinars, virtual trainings, and certification programs that raise awareness of Family Resource Centers, Family Resource Center Networks, and the nationally-adopted Standards of Quality for Family Strengthening & Support.

The National Family Support Network also provides tools and resources to support the development of Family Resource Center Networks. These networks connect, organize, and support programs working with families to ensure coordinated quality support. The organization offers a range of resources to support network development, including templates, documents, and technical assistance.

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